Ravaged Rain Land Street

You can get born, live, die, and be dead on this street


From baby candy shop to straight drag bar, wedding store, parking garage, foie gras restaurant, to taxidermist

And pet store, quickie mart, theater hall, black hooker bar, and antique shops

To apothecaries and a doctor, a travel agent, and a realtor, maybe, bakers and a laundromat for sure

African bars, Greek diner, hat shop, optician, gourmet butcher, Flemish café’s…


Panic strikes, heart pounding, lungs constrained, tears building, early morning


Truck delivering flour or coffee

Restaurant trash pickup and glass recycling

Street cleaner, twice

Cars speeding down the narrowing street

Breaks squeaking, horns blowing

Voices, French cell phone conversation, drunk, dog, pigeon

Police sirens, drilling at some building site

High-heeled footsteps, baby carriage

Doors, yelling, whispers, wings flapping


You’re not here now

But I feel you all around me

Last night’s rain didn’t wash you off

And this morning’s humid air makes every breath bear your name

I yearn for touching your mouth

I reach out and encompass this land

But ravaged when it collapses on my soul not stirred by your breeze



To hair product or not to hair product


Monotheistic conspiracy